Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rape and everything else

My country was devastated by the recent gruesome rape of the girl in Delhi. It is probably one of the worst crimes "reported" in this country and one of those few which have struck a chord with the nation. I cannot but grieve for the girl's family, and also ask for the most severe punishment. However, I am intrigued as whether the death penalty through fast track courts is really befitting of our society. I understand that this is a heinous crime and it is natural to ask for castration etc., but is that what our society wants? They say, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Ours is a civilized society and we cannot let some animals get us down to that level.

Instead of concentrating so much on the punishment, should the focus not be on prevention altogether. Assume they are castrated, what is obtained? A few dicks. But the girl is still dead. Her family is still hurt and their hearts broken forever. How does this punishment achieve the purpose? It might make a million people satisfied, but does not bring back that girl. That bright future, that gentle soul. The other question is: why is the government acting now? Of course due to public demand, not out of will. Why death penalty only for rape? Is murder any less horrendous? Is child sexual abuse not bad enough to be fit for such punishments? The list is endless. The focus needs to be on having better laws and more importantly, good implementation.

The recent arrest of the sexual abuser is Bangalore threw another important issue to the focus. This was the 23rd time he was caught for this offence and the past 22 families did not lodge a complaint  due to social stigma. And we, as a society,blame the government for everything? After all, we put them there. This is a time for self introspection. We can chop off a few dicks and we are satisfied? What next? We really need to think how we can tackle this. How the kids are educated to respect people, to understand the difference between good and bad. It is time we introspect if our education system is good, if our ideals are correct. Ours is a country where little girls are still sold off by the family, where innocent children are married off for money. Yes, the punishment needs to be meted out; but I pray it does not stop there. The only way to make sure that the poor girl's death does not go in vain is to work towards ensuring no other girl faces the same.

The change needs to come from us. Our politicians have raped the motherland for decades, this one rape will not change anything. Unless, we are the change. 


  1. Indeed Abhiram, change needs to come from Education :) Nicely put and hope and wish everyone feels the same too .... And yet again, hoping things will change !

  2. Harsh punishments may itself never be the solution,but surely it would instill fear in the offender's mind.He wouldn't commit such a crime knowing that it is no longer tolerated.

  3. The need for stricter laws is very Much valid in this case..there's a saying in Hindi - Joh log uncha sunte hain unke liye dhamake ki zaroorat hain..
    Although I agree to the part that we being the heart of society should play our part as well but rapists n even murderers have no fear and they trust the judicial system more than us..rules should be rewritten n they should be such that that when a person even thinks to indulge in such horrendous crimes, they should feel a chill down their spine..!!
    And this is not only for rapes..even child abuse, attempt to murder etc etc

