Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where is God?

I have read books, heard arguments and seen shows on how we can prove God exists or does not exist. I have thought about it a number of times as well. I don't know why, but I never seem to arrive at a conclusion. Maybe I was too lazy to think it through. On a warm Sunday morning, I am suddenly in the mood to think about this. The human mind is an amazing thing. It can generate thoughts so profound, that you begin to question yourself and the source of these thoughts. Like in the movie Inception, it is impossible to figure out the "origin" of a thought; all you realize all of a sudden is that you are thinking! You don't know how and when it started. In the same way, I have a thought and I need to pen it down. I just have to.

Does God exist? I don't know. What is God? Who is God? I have argued a number of times with numerous people on this issue, and the general consensus is that the fact the most people confuse God with "worship". "I don't believe in God, do you seriously want me to skip food for one whole day!". OK, you are confused that "not eating food for a day" is a form of worship/devotion to God. This defies logic, and thus you don't believe in God. This is just a ritual, and this is also the biggest lie humanity has believed in and still continues to do so. The lie is Ritual=Religion. Assuming there is God, do you seriously think he will be angry if one person somewhere in the corner of the world sat down in the wrong direction? One really does not expect the younger generation to believe in this. This misguided belief is something which is making people move away from Religion. Believe me, being religious does not mean you are to be ritualistic. You can consume alcohol and still be religious. The sooner we see through this mist of confusion, the better it is for us. But this is argument is for another day!

When you see people who are driven to believing in living-Gods like Nirmal Baba etc. , don't laugh at them. It is our system which has driven them there. In this whole system of prayers/rituals, one is so immersed in those activities that one stops seeing God and starts seeing idols/temples.

I am always intrigued by this question. "What was there at the beginning at Universe?". I still get goosebumps when I think about the edge of the Universe. What is beyond it? Just think about it. What lies beyond the edge of the Universe. Within what is the Universe contained? These are mind boggling questions that Science is trying to answer. But coming to think of it, science has always waged a battle against God. The fact that all phenomenon earlier attributed to God are finding explanations in Science, has fueled this battle further. But I have read this and makes a lot of sense:

"Science can explain what the Universe was and how it was as long ago as when time(t) is almost 0. In mathematical term: 'as limit t-->0'. But till now, there is no explanation of what was there when t=0".And this ladies and gentlemen, is the biggest advantage Religion holds over Science. As long as t=0 is not explained, the concept of God has to be in the picture logically. Until then, believers and non-believers will be at loggerheads over the existence of God.

But just think about it, is this the kind of God we would like to believe in? Think about this as well, "Why do you want to prove/disprove the existence of God?". By doing this, aren't you reducing the powerful entity to a mere object whose existence stands at the mercy of your validity? I would like to believe that the idea of God gives us a chance to believe, not just pray. I don't know if he exists. Also, my world will not change if suddenly there is a scientific theory proving/disproving his existence. For me, I see God around me in small things. You can too, you just don't look hard enough. Every morning I look at my family, I see God. Every day I play with my dog, I see God. I laugh my heart out with my friends on a little stupid joke, I see God. You see God in people around you, things around you and you be in a good place in life. Sometimes, you are so skeptical and bent upon the idea of non-existence of God that you fail to see the beauty around you. Would you really care if there is an explanation or not for the beautiful rainbow? for the aurora-borealis? Yes, it is scientifically explained. Yes, it is a known phenomenon. But don't fail to see the beauty behind this, believe that there is still joy and happiness in the world. You just have to look around.

I recently read "It's not about the bike", the story of Lance Armstrong's battle against cancer. He asked his doctors "Will I make it? What are my chances?". His doctor replied, "50-50". Armstrong was bombarded with series of chemotherapy, so much so that his body became a toxic-house. After an arduous struggle, he made it. He came back and won the Tour de France, the toughest sports competition out there. He won it many a time. Later in one of the casual conversations, he asked his doctor "What was my real chance?Be honest". "Less than 10%. You were one of the worst cases I have seen", his doctor replied. Lance Armstrong goes on to write that he did not and does not believe in God. But he worships people like his doctor who have spent countless years in research so that somewhere someone could live on to see his/her children grow up (his doctor was part of the team which developed the treatment for that form of cancer). You see God in such people. The doctor gave Lance a chance to believe, that is an act of God.

You are reading this article and probably listening to music on the internet. Think about all the people who spent years developing the technology. I see God in them.

I am agnostic. I spent sometime trying to figure out if God exists or not. Now, I don't want to find out. I may not worship idols, I may not have verses at the tip of my tongue and I may not even know the proper names of deities; but I know where to look for God. The next time somebody asks me "Do you know if God exists?". My answer will be "I don't want to know. I know where to look for my God".


  1. Very good read...!! Well done...!!

  2. Excellent thoughts indeed! It is not just Ritual=Religion, it is more like Ritual=Religion=Devotion!! And then they have the audacity to tell HIM from time to time what goodies HE must be giving just because they think they are doing HIM a favor of believing in HIM!!
    Arun Shourie's book was certainly an eye opener in this regard.

  3. Interesting article .... Tuesday ( Nov 13th - Diwali - Temple ) , it's change of plans indeed !! ;-)

