Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dreamy thoughts...

"You may call me a dreamer, but I am not the only one"

Everyday as I switch on my television set, I pray that I see something positive on the news channel. Now when team Anna took the channels by storm, I wondered if my prayers were really answered. Is this positive ? Is this helpful for our democracy ? I have no idea, although sometimes I pretend I do !

It is sometimes a scary prospect when you look at our leaders and wonder if they really do know how to run this country. Now the entry of team anna is like adding an extra cook to cook an already spoilt broth. We educated people underestimate the Indian politician. The Indian Politician and the Indian Police are always given far less credit than they deserve. A politician's job is to win an election and the indian politician does a fine job at this. The upper class of the society may have many qualms about the abilities of the politician, but as they say "...the mob is Rome. As long as you control the mob, you control Rome". With the indian voter ready to throw away his vote for a bottle of brandy or the promise of a TV, the indian politician has supreme control over the mob. Like it or not, votes from people like us are like seasoning on a Pizza. It adds extra flavor, but no real value to the pizza on the whole.

Like many of you, I am also frustrated at the state of affairs. In this regard, I am doing what I know best- write about it. The blog is titled 'The Indian Love Affair' because I believe that our relationship with the country is nothing but a steamy love affair. We hate every aspect of its system, but the only feeling in the heart about the country is really 'love'. Sometimes we crawl into bed with the enemy, sometimes we crucify them but we simply cannot live without them. It is a love story that has spanned centuries. Blood has been spilled to rescue the damsel from the foreigner, some people gave up their lives for her. For a while the relationship was a happy one, but again we have let the lady be taken by the enemy. But this time, the enemy is from within and that is what makes it most dangerous. We love the lady but behind the curtain of love, we mercilessly violate her physical sanctity and destroy her physical wonders. We love our country, but I begin my blog by praying that this 'love' is coupled with 'respect'. Because ultimately without 'respect', 'love' just becomes a feeling you reserve for your dearest and is not necessarily gentle. A drunkard loves his wife and shows this love by thrashing her, something he reserves only for her. This is 'love' in his view and one which is bereft of any respect towards her.

This blog will encompass all aspects of my love affair with my country. Reviews of books which are relevant, new acts in the circus called 'Indian politics' and many more random thoughts. I dream of a better country and of a better system, but at the end of the day I shall always love my lady no matter how she is.


  1. done o le..gr8 start..continue blogging..:)!!!!!

  2. Excellent thought. Let your Dreamy thoughts blossom into healthy ideas that are infectious and progressive! Happy blogging!!!

  3. Best wishes with your new 'affair'! Coming from you I'm sure it isn't going to be flirtatious. I wish you designed a conduit that could take worthy thoughts from the youth of your ilk to our "netas". It's their imperviousness that's depressing. Best wishes again. I look forward to your postings. Jp

  4. Wonderful thought! Hope to read a lot more like this!... Happy Blogging!:-)

  5. hey nice one to start with... waiting for more such stuff :)

