Saturday, March 1, 2014

On a confused rainy evening

In the journey of life, you often come to the crossroads where you look straight into the mirror and see somebody you don't know. You look into the reflection hoping to catch a glimpse of yourself. Every minute, every second of your life thereafter is to try and understand the person in that reflection. Clear the haze.

People around you seem happy, content. They look like they have their life figured. You stand on a pedestal of ambition, unsteady and unsure about your plans for the future and with only hope in the eyes gazing at the elusive target over the horizon. Will you make it big in the next 10 years? Will somebody else overtake you? What will people think of you after 15years? In the middle of all this, there often lies a question masqueraded by all these misgivings that you fail to discover it until it's too late: 'Will you be happy?'

I wish I could be happy just sitting with my dog all day, talking about politics and sports. I wish I could be happy munching on chips and getting fat. I wish I could be happy just walking around in the park, eat idli vada for an hour, sleep well into the morning. I wish. Every day is a balancing act, balancing between your activities you do to fund your existence and the activities which feed your soul. Happiness is an elusive animal, the more you chase after it the more you get tired.

But just go out there and do the things that you like, the things which you think are right. It might take a while, you might get rich along the way, gain weight, gain friends, get famous. But happiness will only find you, as long as you do the things you want.

The only challenge is not to confuse all these things with happiness, for happiness is surreal. You will know when you have found it. So if somebody asks me about my aim in life, it is simple. To be happy. I only need to figure out how!
