Saturday, February 16, 2013

Be a dog, all your life!

Dedicated to my dear friend KV Bharat, who is getting engaged today. Spread the love mate. Be a dog!

Everybody has one of those days when everything around is irritating. Everything happening around is wrong, anything anybody says is wrong. You just feel like you have to take it out on people around, and it is usually someone close to you who gets the worst of it. Your wife or husband or girlfriend or boyfriend. Rest assured, you will get it back too. But what about your dog? I have shouted at my dog many a time, and I am not too proud of it. But the very next minute, he comes back and licks my feet wanting to be cuddled. I am amazed that an animal can be that evolved that it can love without any qualms.

I have heard many arguments that a dog has the intelligence of a 4year old, a dog is not an evolved creature, a dog is not very intelligent. Well, maybe that is the answer. We human-beings think too much, that is the problem. If I love him, will he take care of me later? If I love her, will she marry me? He is dark. Can I love him? We think so much that somewhere we lose track of the true emotion of love. I have learnt this from my dog and I can now tell that dogs are much better creatures than humans. When somebody calls you a dog, smile. It is a good thing!

There is this movie called Marley & Me. If you haven't watched, I suggest you do it. You will be happy that you did. Here is a quote from that:

"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"

Seriously, about how many people can you say the same? At the time when people have absolutely no scruples, when people are ready to murder their own kin for money; can you really find someone who can give you their hearts unconditionally? I guess some people can, and they can thanks their stars for that. I have heard many people say "he is not worth it". I did not understand the meaning earlier, but after I have my dog I realize how ludicrous that statement is. Love was an emotion created to be spread unconditionally. When my dog loves me so much, I sometimes wonder what would happen if my dog questioned itself "Is he worth it?" Hell no, he would stop looking at me I guess! Like people say, maybe the dogs have the intelligence of a 4year old. That is very apt. A child can love a person unconditionally. A child does not care whether the other person is dark, SC/ST, crippled etc. But somewhere down the road, as we grow old, we get corrupted. Corrupted by the socitey around, by the people around and by ourselves. We bind ourselves in shackles which are unnecessary, limit ourselves to quench our selfishness. I wish I can be that child again, who does not think twice before loving a person.

I have found my life's calling. To be as good a person that my dog already thinks I am. To be worthy of that pure love.

If you have found another "dog" in your life, thank your stars. Somebody up there must really like you!
